Friday, October 2

Never know how much I love you; never know how much I care

So I’m sitting, lonesome, listening to Ella as usual, at Papa’s kitchen table, contemplating my life. This is quite pathetic really. I’m going out tonight, again. I am so overwrought with tiredness and all these fucking toxins; I really have no idea why I would put myself through it again. I also have nothing to wear. Am currently rocking my dirty black skinny jeans, my old dark grey low cut backless top, and my new purple flats, but I feel stupid seeing as I’m actually going out with the girls, and they’ll all be in heels and dresses. Oh well, I’m heading to town hopefully soon (apart from Papa’s got my money, so I have to wait until he’s home to grab it off him, which will probably take longer than I would like), so I might buy a nice top or something there. Maybe. I hate everything. Urgh.

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