Tuesday, July 14


I hate working on things in the holidays. Not that there's probably anything else to do, seeing as it's about -35 degrees outside, and pelting down with rain most of the time. I went to the doctor this morning, and apparently I have chest infection or something. Yeah, that explains why I've been feeling like SHIT for a week.
Meanwhile, I found out that the doctor I saw, retired about 35 years ago and spent his retirement (before being a doctor again?!?! why would you do that..?), on the French canals of France, with his wife, on their barge, boating around.
I would so love to be doing that right now. It's summer in the Northern Hemisphere, and I would so much rather be there than here right now, due to everything being shit, horrible, and absolutely disgusting.
I look like crap, my lungs have actually collapsed (probably, they feel like it), and we have no bathroom, therefore I haven't had a proper shower for like 4 days. I've just been washing myself on the front verandah with a cup and a bucket, and its really fucking cold out there, not to mention the concrete floor I have to stand on, naked, for like a full 10 minutes, in the bloody rain.
And I have to hand in my special study about childcare (who in their right mind would write 2000 words, willingly, on children?? I dont understand the world), in, oh, about an hour. My life is disgraceful. My room is a pit, and I think I'm going to become a hermit, and only come out of my house once every 10 years, to experience civilisation. Fuck that, every 20 years. Welcome to my new life.

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