Thursday, July 16

bla bla bla

I guess there are first times for everything. Today was my first time for peeing in a bucket. It sounds feral, and it really really was. I woke up at 11.30 and really had to go, but the builders were in the bathroom and I didn't want to ask them to leave, so I waited. And waited. And waited. And at like 3, I couldn't hold it anymore, so I found a bucket, sat on it, and peed. That's actually so gross hahahhahaha.
Anyway, I'm getting my hair cut today, finally, after like a year, so yeah I'm pretty stoked for that. My life is so eventful, what an awesome day it has been so far! Dad's up here for the day, helping mum move furniture around, and now he's sitting in the back room watching David Bowie on DVD. Cooool. Anywho, back to 90210, I'm a little bit addicted.

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