Friday, December 18

It's a bit embarrassing really, this pathetic fear of.. well, sleep. Ok, SO I'm not exactly scared of sleeping as such, just I hate missing out on life. And I find it hard to actually drop off; everything is racing through my head, and to put it so eloquently as a facebook group I stumbled across the other day (don't laugh), 'I can't get to sleep because my mind is having a conversation with itself'. And so here I sit, on my single bed at dad's house, naked under an almost painfully colourful beach towel (the only one I could find in the bathroom after my shower), typing this onto, no, not my laptop, but my iPod touch notes app. And this is because I am unfortunately very good at forgetting important things. Well it's not important as such, but I am finding life (well the three days I'm spending down at father's) quite painful.

Not to mention the excruciating cramps I'm experiencing at this very moment. Pleasant I know. But until you have lived through one of my monthly cycles, you will not know the meaning of pain.

Another one of my great skills is harping on about nothing at all for an uncomfortable amount of time, and just generally bitching about my life. Which by the way is actually not that bad.

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