Wednesday, December 9

it's strange; you evoke strong emotions in people

After serious consideration, I have decided to make a list. Ok that's a bit of a lie, it's not a particularly serious list. It's actually a list of things that I want/need to make my life better. Mainly consisting of clothes..

1. Black/beige trench coat. This is sort of self explanitory. I would just look so amazingly chic in it, there's no denying the immediate chic effect of a trench coat.

2. Pale blue tight jeans. Also medium blue jeans. I saw two women wearing them today, and they looked utterly amazing. Ok, yes, I saw them in the Dulwich homewares shop, and they probably look amazing in everything, but I think my life would improve even if I took a slight amount of inspiration from them.

3. Baggy silk black pants, that go in at the bottom. Ok, not much to say here, mother put these on layby today.. They are brilliant.

4. No phone bill. I would so much prefer to have a working phone right now. I would be so much happier if I could actually reply to abuse. Because I'm getting lots. Hahahah that's a lie. I just want everyone to feel sorry for me.

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