Monday, June 27

The Amazing List Machine that is myself..

Now onto the important stuff. More important than those pictures anyway! Not important at all really. I want to watch the new episode of True Blood but it's getting a bit late and my brain has given up working for the night, so I doubt that I would remember anything that I watched right now tomorrow, or even 5 minutes from now. See, I'm not even making any sense!

I've been thinking recently. Wouldn't everything be so much easier if everyone's internet things (accounts? pages? uhh who knows?) were condensed onto one central page so that I (and other people - ok, mainly just me) could keep track of it?! I mean twitter, facebook, blogger, tumblr, not to mention all the online shops (yes, here I go again people) we have joined, say ebay or etsy, are a jumble of usernames and passwords to say the very least! Maybe it's my crazy brain that(?) can't deal with the whole lot of it. I'm just sayin'. Off to go dream up The Amazing Internet Condenser for all those crazy people like me who need forced organisation in their life or nothing goes well. Hmm, so many amazing names popping out of my head right now! I should be keeping track of this!

AHHHHH I need to start writing lists! And following them! The top of my list would be sleep actually, so here I go, to the land of nod. I've drunk way too much coffee today that I feel like my eyes are swirling around in my head. That can't be good for you, surely? And how will sleep go? My dog isn't on my bed right now, he refused to come to bed with me like usual, which has made me a tad grumpy. It must be warmer on the couch. Humph. I feel like Winnie-ther-pooh. Doesn't he say 'humph' a lot? PUT ME AWAY! I NEED TO BE CASTRATED! Wait no that's not what I mean, I mean COMMITTED. That sounds better. My brain is a constant mind map. Never sticking to one thing. I need help.

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