Friday, February 26


Am currently bidding on a Nikon SLR camera on ebay. I don't actually have a paypal account. Or a credit card. I'm not sure how I'll pay for it if I manage to score it.. But I desperately want a good camera!

My mum recently was given an Olympus, and the only one who's been using it so far is my 11 year old brother. He managed to take a surprisingly arty photo of me the other day.. and you can't really even tell it's me - but I'm wearing my staple stripy t-shirt, and you can vaguely see my fringe, so that might make it a tad obvious. I also took an adorable picture of my cat, on the one occasion I've used it so far.

Unfortunately, my computer is being a bit crap so I'll try to put the photos up another time!

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